English for Beginners in Nursing


Athia Fidian


Alhamdullillahirabbil'alamin. Praise to Allah SWT for the abundance of His blessings and guidance, so that the English Nursing Book for beginners, a book aimed at learning Nursing English in the first semester. Hoping this book can become a guideline and achieve the stated goals of learning English for Nursing. This book consists of 6 interrelated chapters
which outline contains:
Chapter 1, carrying the theme “Introduction”, discusses how to introduce yourself, both introducing yourself and others accompanied by several expressions on it.
Chapter 2, with the theme “Daily Routines”, this chapter presents several expressions and tenses in accordance with the theme in this chapter.
Chapter 3, with the theme “Medical Equipment”, in this chapter students are required to be able in using “WH-Questions” to obtain various information as needed.
Chapter 4, discusses the use of the “Question Tag” according to the intended needs.
Chapter 5, with the theme “Giving Direction”, this chapter presents several expressions in giving direction, about how to ask the place and the responds.
Chapter 6, with the theme “Parts of the body”, in this chapter presents parts of the human body with the hope of supporting student needs regarding the use of parts of the body.
We are aware that this Book still has many deficiencies in its substance and presentation. For that, we look forward to suggestions from the readers.


February 26, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
